
  • Desert Vista
    Two buttes frame a view of the vastness of the desert. In the distance are more spires of rock. Dry plants grow in the foreground. The sky is blue and spotted with clouds.


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About the Artist

Robert “Bob” Henry is a native of Denver, Colorado, who began painting in January 1964. Introduced to painting by a friend, he fell in love with the brush and paints in a unique, self-taught impressionistic style. Most of his work is in oil, acrylic, and watercolors, but he has also worked with wood carvings and bronze sculptures. Subjects include landscapes, buildings, people, animals, and western scenes.

The artist uses different surfaces and paints for his work. Paper, canvas, and fiberboard make up the bulk of his painting surfaces. Paints used are often acrylic, watercolor, and oil. He does not like to restrict himself to one kind of paint or surface, but rather enjoys using what supplies are available to him.

His collection has remained mostly private since he began, with paintings being mostly enjoyed by his friends and family. Visiting any one of his relatives is almost guaranteed to reveal another of his masterpieces. With his wide variety of subjects, there is sure to be a painting fit for any location.

Robert continues to live and paint at his home in Denver with his wife of over 60 years. She still finds him as fascinating as she did decades ago and has urged him to share his work with the world.

This site’s purpose

Robert Henry’s paintings are all unique, and each holds its own charm. With his vast collection of paintings everyone is sure to find something that they fancy. Many of his paintings are available for purchase! If you would like to see what is currently available, please check out the Purchase Originals page. If an original painting is not available or you wish to show off your favorite painting in some other way, check out the Purchase Prints page.

Even if you do not wish to make a purchase, make yourself at home! This site is an archive of Bob’s paintings and the diversity of his subjects and methods. Explore the gallery! Get inspiration for your own art! Share it with friends and engage on social media!

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